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After five years of writing, editing, researching, re-editing, creating covers, discarding ideas, re-imagining plots and characters, delaying publication (twice), and then editing some more, Infernal is now available here on this website and at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and virtually every other online resource in existence.

One has to ask: "Why on Earth did it take so long?"

It's a damn big story, that's why.

Infernal is but the beginning of a massive story idea I've been tossing around in my head for more than a decade. In it I address the concept of Multi-verse theory (a hypothetical infinite number of multiple possible universes, including the universe we consistently perceive that together comprise everything that exists: Space, time, matter, energy, and the laws and constants that describe them) and what might happen if a global corporation with limitless resources found a way to travel between, and exploit, other Earths within that vast Multi-verse.

That, in and of itself, is a grand idea I thought would require at least several hundred pages to explore, but it's really just backstory. The real story is my main character (Richard Farris) and the revelation that nothing he perceives to be reality is, in fact, reality. History, the world around him, his faith, and even his own life are but illusions based on his limited perception of a single Universe. And from there, my friends, we enter a world where anything is possible, any event can and has happened, and any monster you've ever dreamed of is real.

Infernal is a bit of a departure from my usual dark fare. It contains horror, of course, but also explores history, science fiction, physics, mythology, and quite a bit of religion. The end result, I've been told (I refuse to critique my own work; obviously I'm biased) is a grand yet grounded adventure throughout space/time that begs the question: What do we really know about our Universe, our faith, and even ourselves?

For Richard Farris, the answers are quite startling.

So pick up a copy of Infernal. Join Richard at the beginning of his journey. You may find yourself amazed.

And I'll try my very level best to make sure no one has to wait another five years for Book Two.

Infernal and my other works are available in multiple formats.


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